Gasconade County R-1 School District
Annual Performance Report (APR) Information
The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) uses an accountability model for school districts called the Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP). Districts are scored on student performance, improvement in student performance, and several other related factors. The summary document is called the Annual Performance Report (APR). On Tuesday, March 7, DESE released the 2021-2022 APR scores for school districts across the state.
Changes in scoring from previous years?
This is the first year that DESE has used the new MSIP 6 formulation to determine a district’s APR. The prior version, MSIP 5 has been used to determine APR scores since 2012. This change in formulation does not allow us to compare APR scores to our previous year's scores.
As a result of the change in the formulation, APR calculations, and APR scores have changed significantly. Below are a few of the differences between MSIP 6 and MSIP 5.
This is the pilot year for scoring districts and schools using the MSIP 6 model. According to Section 161.855.4, RSMo, l, APR scores from this pilot year will not be used to make classification recommendations for schools or districts.
APR scores are calculated for Status and Growth separately. In MSIP 5, Status and Growth were calculated together.
MSIP 6 provides 30% of its scoring to reflect the continuous improvement work that
Districts are required to complete. This was not reflected in the previous AYP.
In regards to performance, we can receive points in two ways, All Students and Student Groups. All Students include every student that participated in the assessment. DESE has identified five groups that tend to perform significantly lower than the state average: Black, Hispanic, Direct Certified in the National School Lunch Program, Students with Disabilities, and English Language Learners. Students who fall into one of these categories will have their scores calculated to provide a district with a Student Group score. The categorization has changed from the previous MSIP 5.
The report contains data from the 2021-22 school year only — a year when the pandemic continued to have an impact on student attendance and school staffing.
Student scores were released in the fall of 2022 and the results were presented to the Board of Education in December. As a district, we have analyzed the data and have already begun implementing various strategies to address the needs of our students and ensure our student’s continued success.
Noteworthy details from the APR Report
Positive Outcomes
Gasconade County R-1 received an overall APR score of 84.0% for the 2021-2022 school year.
The district earned 98.1% of the points possible for continuous improvement.
GCR1 earned 100% in all continuous improvement areas with the exception of one.
Results in all student performance designations were rated On Track.
The district did not receive any performance area designations in Approaching or Floor.
Growth in student achievement was Average in all four categories.
Our Student Groups are performing at the same percentage as All students. Historically, this was not the case.
Areas of Growth
The district earned 78.3% of the performance points possible in all academic areas, which earned the designation of On Track. This provides us an opportunity for growth as we strive to hit Target in the future.
The district earned 75% in the area of attendance under continuous improvement.
In regards to Academic Achievement Growth, Student groups did not grow as much as All Students.
As always, the Gasconade County R-1 School District strives to ensure that we are educating for excellence. We will continue to focus on building relationships with our students and ensuring our students continue to grow. Please feel free to follow the link to DESE Missouri School Dashboard or view our GCR1 AYP Presentation. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Dr. Leslie Lause, Associate Superintendent at or call at 573-486-2116 x 1306.
As always, thank you for your continued support,
Dr. Geoff Neill
Superintendent of Schools